Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pittsburgh called! 5-12-09

I got a call from Jocelyne from Cigna. She told me everything was in and I was totally approved with the insurance. I asked what I'm to do next. She said my referring Doc would send a request to UPMC for and evaluation. I called Dr. Shapiro's office and told them that Jocelyne called and that they were to request me to go to UPMC. But of course, they were used to this but I wanted to know what I need to do. They told me to get all the records I can for anything I can think of!  Within 2 hours, UPMC called me. After several question she told me she would get all the info from the Dr.s and the hospitals.  So I don't have to get as much info as I thought.  She Said it takes about a week to get all the info. then she calls and makes an appointment for me in Pitts.  Dr. Kareem is out of town until the end of May.  Appointments for evaluations start on Wednesdays, so possibly June 3rd will be my appt.

I called Pitts. Bishop Johnson and he is checking in to a place for us to live in Pitts for our duration. I have about 3 and 1/2 weeks. sounds like a short amount of time!

Hope all goes well!!

From Sue

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